Thursday, February 28, 2008

Fabulous February

I don't have a single picture of February, other than our Washington D.C. trip. Of course that was our highlight, but it's also when my camera broke.

We spent six days in D.C., but weren't able to see all that we had hoped. Cooper and Richard were the only two who were NOT sick during that trip! The rest of us had a horrible case of the flu that ebbed and peaked throughout the week with high fevers, horrible headaches, sore throats, and a general just-feel-awful disposition! As Richard had some meetings there, it was a good thing he wasn't sick. As Cooper has a hard enough time when he's tired, it was a great thing he wasn't sick! (He had already missed the previous week of school because he had had the flu then.) So, we spent a lot of time laying around the hotel, but at least we can say we've been there!

This is as we were driving over the Washington Bridge in New York on our way. Driving to D.C. took about 10 hours. Luckily, Richard drove every mile! I thought it was going to be a MUCH shorter trip, and Cooper hoped so.

This is shortly after the this-will-be-so-fun-to-watch-movies-and-eat-snacks-in-the-car point and long before the end-of-the-trip point.

Our sleeping arrangements were tight. Tessa won the draw for the cushions on the kitchen floor.

The rest slept sideways in the bed. You'd be surprised at how much room that adds to a standard double pull-out sofa. (Not quite enough room for McKenna's feet, but here it seems she didn't mind)

The WWII Memorial. It's only a few years old, and it is FABULOUS! The weather was BITTER, but that meant we weren't competing for great views with lots of tourists.

In the center of the WWII Memorial, overlooking The Mall. The posts in the background surround the memorial and name every state of the country involved.
Proof that Ivy was with us. When we got out of the car she was MADDER than MAD that she had to ride in the stroller (but, alas, it was a long walk and rainy and COLD so we wanted to hurry). From that point on she refused to be in the pictures. So, I got this one when she wasn't looking.

Watch this video. McKenna and I were looking for Maia at the WWII Memorial and then McKenna spotted her.
Vietnam Memorial. The entire wall is engraved with the names of those who gave their lives.

All of us.

Richard's great (?) uncle died in Vietnam.

Walking to the Lincoln Memorial. This happens to be the day Tessa was so sick, so she rates a ride on dad's back. Can you guess who's carrying the stick?

Only a few of the brave were willing to do the steps up to the Memorial. (Actually, Ivy was still asleep in the stroller and her dad wasn't about to carry it up!)

From the top of the Lincoln.

The Korean War Memorial
This is one of my favorites. This wall is engraved with real pictures of soldiers, and it borders the statuary of the Memorial.

Korean soldier statuary.

More. I took these photos for my dad! He's a hero of that war.

The White House. Coop was too COLD (which is saying something, because he's never cold and usually refuses to wear a coat) to get out of the car. McKenna was too sick to get out of the car! I begged her to sit up and at least look out the window at the White House, but she didn't have the strength. Richard dropped us off and drove around for a while we walked and took pictures.

Pennsylvania Ave. with the White House through the trees.

Washington Monument

Nation's Capitol

White House again.

A beautiful sunny, but BITTERLY COLD, day at Mount Vernon - George Washington's estate. This is one of my favorites.

In the last few years they have added an amazing and significant visitors area (all underground so as not to disrupt the beauty and accuracy of Mt. Vernon) and museum. Incredible!

I guess one reason the kid in the red doesn't get cold has to do with the running and throwing of rocks. Maia is happily using his coat.

In front of George Washington's tomb.

In the Visitor's Center. Ivy REFUSED, of course, to be in the picture next to the Washington's granddaughter Nellie.

Sitting on a tree planted by George Washington HIMSELF! Very cool.

The Slaves' Quarters. I had to make sure the kids checked out this place so they see how great their slaves' quarters at home are in comparison!

Richard was in meetings, so I took the kids to Arlington Cemetery. It was another COLD, COLD day.

At Kennedy's grave, overlooking D.C.

Arlington House on top of the hill. This was built by George Washington's grandson and then during the Civil War was overtaken and used for the soldiers' burying ground. From up there is the most beautiful view of the city, but the kids were too cold to get out of the bus again!

The Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. I'm always impressed with the amount of dedication these soldiers have to protect and honor their fellow soldiers.

I'm not sure if Ivy was sleeping or hiding from the camera.

The Washington D.C. temple. We went into the Visitor's Center and met a sister missionary from Cedar City!

Another view of the temple. The stained glass is gorgeous. For most of my pictures I had my camera on the wrong setting (it was too dark to see) and so many, many of them didn't turn out. Frustrating.

A tired tourist!