Sunday, June 22, 2008

Girls' Sleepover

If you recall, last fall we went to "The Berkshires" in western Mass. for a ward activity. The Lazenby family owns a beautiful home out there (with tennis courts, pool, hot tub, tramp, etc.) and make it available for family and friends constantly. So a couple of weeks ago, all the moms and Activity Day girls went out for a sleepover. Very fun! We ate lots, played games, swam and chatted (the moms, until 1:00 am). So here are some pictures, but the best isn't here because it wasn't taken by me, because I was busy doing a back flip off the diving board. I CAN STILL do them! So, maybe if Margaret e-mails them to me I'll show you my talent!

There were 21 girls and 13 moms. At one point, we were all around the pool and two repair guys were working on something to do with the pool just feet away. They were there for a couple of hours. We were tempted to tell them we had all fled Texas and settled in Mass.

A great weekend - if you don't consider the HEAD LICE problem!!!!! One of the girls brought it with her and, luckily, my girls (or myself) didn't get it. But my head has been itching ever since!!
Just last night, McKenna came home from a sleepover there with the YW and their mothers. (I didn't go - too much going on in order to move in less than a week) - and I made her use lice shampoo the minute she walked in the door. I know (once the Lazenbys were informed) that they cleaned the house thoroughly, but I'm paranoid!

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