Monday, December 24, 2007

The First Snowfall

These kids were THRILLED with the snow that fell a few weeks ago. We've had LOTS and LOTS since then. The reindeer on the left is completely covered now, and just the antlers of the other are showing. None of the foreground bush to Ivy's right is exposed now.

Press the arrows below to watch both videos of a snowball fight between Daddy, Cooper, and Ivy. Cooper pegs dad some good ones, and, although she moves a bit slow, Ivy manages to hit the target (dad) a couple of times.

Christmas-Tree Hunting

We took the three little ones to pick the tree. We found a fun place that had a HUGE indoor store of lots of decorations and georgeous decorated trees. Outside were thousands of beautiful cut Christmas trees and fresh wreaths and garlands.
Inside with Comet (or Cupid?)

Outside were some baby goats and lambs.

These snowmen withstood the rain that was falling really well. Although it was cold and wet, the kids didn't mind a bit.

A pretty waterfall - part of it is frozen solid in falling form.

A single moment when they were all together. Most of the time they played "tag" among the trees. We narrowed the choices down to two different trees - and Cooper and Ivy both voted on a different one. I actually should have been the tie-breaker, but couldn't do it. Ivy was hugging "her" tree and rattling on and on about how that was the one she wanted (Maia did too), and Cooper was insisting that his and dad's tree was "the one." We even had two employees come to try to help with the decision. I said I wasn't having any part of it and walked away. Finally, I took the kids with me and Richard went and picked a totally different tree. Both kids were happy.

The decorated tree. Since we didn't bring any decorations from Utah, we just bought snowflakes and candy canes. Simple and fast! And the kids love it.

Belmont Center Tree-Lighting Festivities

Our town center closed off the street and booths were set up by businesses. Lots of people, lots of cold, and lots of fun.

Santa came on the fire-truck. Maia and Emily are happy to see him.
Tessa and Lauren

Coop and Ivy. The line was VERY long but Cooper was not about to give up until he had SEEN SANTA!!!!!

The kids and their friends in front of the city tree. McKenna is off with her friend Heather somewhere.

Decorating cupcakes.

Rudolph was there!

We saw Frosty too, but I guess I didn't take a picture.

Spiderman's 6th Birthday - A Surprise Party!

I took the little kids to Wilson Farm - to see the animals and all the Christmas stuff while, unbeknownst to Cooper, Daddy had come home fromschool early and he and McKenna decorated Spider Style!Trying to spin webs!

With his new Red Sox shirt on that his daddy gave him for his birthday.

Cute party girl. Isn't she sweet?!

Our little boy is growing up! I remember his 3rd birthday so well, in Highland, knowing that his daddy was leaving soon.

With his favorite guy!

All wrapped up - but Spidey can get out of any trouble!

Got new Spiderman pj's - ready to blow out the candle on his giant cookie.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Thanksgiving in Plymouth, Massachusetts

I spent an hour downloading lots of pictures from this day, and then hit the wrong button and they all disappeared. I was so frustrated I just walked away. Now, a few weeks later I'm so behind on my postings that I can't take that time again. So, here's an abbreviated version of our very fun day in Plymouth.

On the hill where the pilgrims who died that first winter were originally buried. In the background is the monument built over Plymouth Rock in its original location. To Cooper's right just a block or so is the Mayflower.
Mayflower in the background. Ivy refused to be in the picture. I refuse to fight with a tired three-year old. Austin sat in the car. I won't fight with stubborn 17 year old either.

Look who sailed on The Mayflower! Humility Cooper - we'll have to do our genealogy and figure out if/where we're related!

The family checking out The Mayflower II. It's a replica that was built 50 years ago, and has sailed the actual route of the original.

Dreaming of what it would have been like to have lived on the Mayflower. Oblivious to the reality of 102 people crushed into a small space for months, rotating through the few beds for four hours at a time.

On the Mayflower. Notice that Ivy either hams it up for pictures of is COMPLETELY uncooperative. No middle ground for her.

Plymouth Rock. This rock is not large - and smaller than it began. Years ago it was being hauled to the town center or something - when the rope was tied around it and the wagon pulled, the top portion only came off. That was loaded in the wagon, and then that top portion fell out some where along the way and split in two. Years later the top portion was put back on the still-buried piece. The crack you see is the repair of those two broken pieces.

The entrance to Plimoth Plantation. Fun to have family come and share the experience with us! (Ivy's not happy about being in the picture. Big surprise!)

Mason and Cooper LOVED seeing the REAL bows and arrows made - with wild turkey feathers that they got to touch. We saw a flock of wild turkeys not far from our house in early November. It was a BEAUTIFUL sight!

Took this picture for my dad. In the Arts & Crafts barn this man is making furniture - the very old way.

This is the fort/church. The upstairs has cannons (Ivy's peeking out the opening for one of them) and the downstairs has a pulpit and benches. It's at the top of the slope that the colony is built on. Richard and I are standing facing the fort in the next picture.

See the ocean in the distance? It was an absolutely gorgeous (and unseasonal) day. Perfect!!

Cooper has his sticks. Carried them EVERYWHERE that day and even brought them home. At one point Tessa said, "I'm sure glad I didn't live back then," and Cooper gave her the MOST incredulous look - like "you are the dumbest girl I ever met. Who wouldn't want to chase animals, play in the dirt, climb trees, shoot guns, and play with sticks all day long." It was a VERY FUNNY moment. He truly didn't understand why she would make such a ridiculous comment.

Actors live in the colony and it is 1627. They know nothing of the world beyond that date. Men wander with muskets and women mend on stools. Families or individuals "live" inside each house and grow gardens or raise animals outside. Everyone has a real story to tell - and lots of information to share. VERY informative.

Chasing and feeding chickens in the Pilgrim Colony. What's more fun that that? Notice Cooper's sticks again.

Beautiful setting. This "Plimoth Plantation" (spelled one of the versions that the govenor used) is three miles from the actual place where the pilgrim settled - but that's all "downtown" now.

Playing in the woods at the village

I definitely didn't try the venison they were roasting. All of these participants are decensants of the actual nation that welcomed and helped the pilgrims. I can't remember the spelling of the nation --- W.....

Checking out the Native American village. Very cool. Cooper really liked watching a real Native American boat being made - the middle of a log is burned out to create the shape.

Eating Thanksgiving Dinner. Kenny being weird as usual. We didn't make reservations for the "nice" dinner on time, so did this cafeteria-style one which was "first-come, first-serve." Better than cooking, especially since my oven was broken!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Just Random Stuff

One morning I peeked in my bedroom and couldn't find Ivy. On closer examination, I found her behind her daddy. Seriously, from the door of my bedroom I couldn't see any part of her. I guess she was warm and snuggly.

This guy and his dozens of friends live outside our kitchen window - and routinely dig the garbage out of our cans (we have no lids, because we don't have automated garbage trucks. Guys empty them by hand, and lose the lids.) Anyway, McKenna, our consummate animal lover, puts out pistachios and almonds and cashews for the furry things. I try to explain that those are a bit pricey for rodent food, but she doesn't listen. The squirrels will perch on the small shed directly out the window, so Ivy will stand on the kitchen counter and watch them forever.

Sorry it's a blurry picture. Here's our Harvard student on his way to class one day. He usually doesn't dress up like this, except for special forums with distinguished visitors. He hasn't worn his uniform once since we've been here, so we've had to buy him quite a few "civilian" clothes - since he mostly owned sweat pants, besides the uniforms.

One Sunday after church I took a nap on the couch. Evidently Ivy kept busy while I was sleeping.

Richard took Austin, Cooper and Ivy to a Harvard football game, while I took the girls to see Wicked. It's their Christmas present from mom and dad.

We got off the subway at Boston Common and had to walk just a couple of blocks to the Opera House - the theater where Wicked was playing. Mckenna made friends with a squirrel (by feeding it jelly beans) on the way. -- It was a FRIGID, FREEZING day! Notice that Mckenna is in capris and horribly high summer shoes. She was miserable (except for when talking to the squirrel). Well, the day got worse because, after we had traipsed to the theater and waded through the mobs, we found out I had been sent the wrong tickets!!! We were there for the Saturday matinee, and not a single seat was available. There would be only a performance that night, a matinee the next day, and the final night performance the next day. EVERY single seat was sold out in all those performances. Luckily my tickets were not for a past date, but for the next day. I really debated about taking them on Sunday, but in the end we went. After church, Richard drove us down. I figured the money had already been spent (a lot of $$), it was their Christmas gift, and it was a musical, cultural production that involved good winning over evil! How's that justification for breaking the Sabbath?!

Sitting in the theater waiting for Wicked to begin. It's a FABULOUS!!! show. (The usher guy came and chastised me for taking a picture. I thought we couldn't photograph only during the show. oops). The girls loved the performance and McKenna bought the CD. Even Cooper is singing some of the songs from the show around the house now. (I recently rediscovered how to make the brighter flash on my camera work - so subsequent pictures in the dark will be better).

This kindergartener had his VERY FIRST field trip!!! He was so excited from the minute he brought the permission slip home. He wanted me to sign it that minute! - even though we were on a bus and walking around Harvard with Sandy that day. Anyway, I of course signed it that day and he took it right back the following day. On the morning of the field trip he didn't want to wake up for school, and was moaning and groaning. Just one reminder of what was happening that day and he jumped up and was ready for school lickety split!

His class walked from the school to the new fire house just a few blocks away from our house. He was disappointed they wouldn't let him slide down the fire pole, although he got to watch some firemen do it. He still talks about the field trip. He LOVED it!!

This boy cannot get enough of puzzles! It's his new favorite passtime. He can put a 100 piece puzzle together (for the first time) in less than 30 minutes, and even quicker than that the next time around. He will typically assemble a puzzle 5-6 times a day! He might do the same one over and over, or pull a few out and do each of them. He just got two new ones for his birthday, so he loved that. I like it too. They don't take up much room and they don't involve loud sound effects or crazy stunts!

More puzzle working.

This child is ALWAYS picking her toes. So lady like. She makes me laugh because she strips off her pj's or socks and shoes whenever we're home so that she get to her toes. Silly girl.

This is our little friend Ainsley. Her family actually lives in Cedar City (although we didn't know them there - in fact, they didn't move there until we moved away). Her aunt lives here and so her mom and she came to live here for a while so her mom could give birth and the baby could be attended to in Boston. The baby has been born with very serious health issues and will be hospitalized for a minimum of 3 months. Ainsley's daddy (and siblings) are still in Cedar working, and so Ainsley comes over to play some times while her mommy's at the hospital. She is such a delight. She has some developmental problems, and so uses sign language. The one she uses most is "chocolate milk." She is nearly 3 years old, but is the size of an 18 month old. She loves to laugh!! Here she snuggled up with McKenna for a little snooze.