Monday, June 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Coop! (7 Months Late!!)

Well, November 28, 2007, Cooper turned 6 years old. That week - and the following months! - were cold. Our tiny little house would not accomodate a birthday party and, after making lots of calls, I couldn't find a birthday party "place" that didn't charge a horrendous amount. So, we decided to "wait until it's warm outside." That ended up being in June two weeks before we moved. We had a Spiderman/Watergun party at Payson Park. It was fun.

Now, there are a couple of things about "back East" that are a bit different from the Utah birthday culture. #1 ) It's not unusual for parents and siblings of the invited guest to also attend the birthday party. #2) It's quite common for parents to hire a "party helper." There was one by the name of Mr. S (I think) that "did" a few parties my kids went to. He organized and coached the gym games to keep the kids busy during the party.

So, here we were at the park - a bunch of boys and their energy and their party-favor-water-guns . Lt. Col. Richard G. Miller was in charge of the games. He kept the kids in line (including the rude sibling of one of the invitees) and having fun. I had a couple of mothers oohing and awing over the "terrific party helper." "Where on earth had I found him and how much did he charge?" Let me tell you, he was a deal!!

Cooper and Spencer. As usual being silly.

Cooper and Joe

Cooper and Eli

Cooper and Aiden

Cooper and Aarya

Ready to eat the Spidey cake!

June - Aunt Sandy Came to Visit!

Sandy and I took a Duck Tour. I think it was my fourth time, but I learned something new everytime and I never tired of the views!
On the pier at Boston Harbor.

On board the ferry to the Harbor Islands. A beautiful day! I tried very hard to control my anxiety about the kids + water + speeding boat. phew!

Happy times.

At Fort ? (starts with a "W" I think) on one of the islands. See, I didn't blog it fast enough and I've forgotten the pertinent info.! -- The kids thought the jail was quite fun.

The fort is massive and was used to not only protect the inland, but to hold prisoners during the Civil War, I believe.

The girls cared less about the historical points and more about collecting nature's treasures in their shirts.

This one - and her "collective" spirit - more than doubles our time on any outing.

The top of the fort is covered with grass and held dozens and dozens of cannons. These are what remain of where they were mounted and their circular tracks. Everyone liked walking along the tracks.

Protecting the shore from pirates, no doubt.

The view from the tower atop the fort.

And again. Absolutely beautiful. Although I was raised very near the Pacific Ocean, I fell in love with the Atlantic during our year in Boston!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Cutie Pie

Still lovin' the colonial bonnet.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Saving (digitally) School Projects

Time to sort. Time to pack. Time to toss the projects!
Pictures are this mom's best friend.
Maia's Totem Pole

Maia's Dragon (done in "warm" colors)

Maia's Kenyan Project (made with clay)

McKenna's Pizza Box Art Project - she's quite the artist like her grandpa.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Belmont Friends

Despite our assurances, our children were convinced that they would "NEVER" find good friends in Belmont, but it turns out that WE WERE RIGHT! (Not the first time, not the last!) The kids have made friendships that will last for many, many years.
These girls were nearly inseparable during the year. This picture was taken about midnight, just a few hours before we pulled out. Heather L., in the center, was also moving within days. The girls are inside her family's U-Haul.
It rains often in Mass. And I mean rain, not sprinkles. And the rain often turns to downpours.
Kate and McKenna started out at Kate's house (about a mile away) and by the time they made it to our house the heavens had opened. McKenna was supposed to come home to babysit but it turned out I didn't need her after all. When I called Kate's house to let her know, they had already left. They arrived at our house looking like this. When I told her I didn't need her to babysit, they decided to head back to Kate's!

Tessa and her friends decided to "glam" up for the movie Prince Caspian.

The best kind of friend - is a teacher! Sister Janae R. was The Best Primary Teacher in the world. Cooper sincerly loves her.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hmmm . . . I wonder . . .

You know how, when you have kids, sometimes you'll find brightly colored drawings on the walls? And everyone denies doing it? And then you'll notice that among the green trees and yellow flowers are the letters of the offending child's name, carefully drawn in purple? And then you know. Because you have evidence. Despite the fact that it's a crime to draw on the wall, the criminal can't resist leaving the bold purple marks of ownership. -- Well, as I download the images from my camera I often find "mysterious" pictures, snapped by some child in the family and I always wonder who took them. And I begin to look for evidence.

Pictures of the television. They all watch more t.v. than I'd like. So, it could be any of them.

The fact that it's Princess Leah is a good clue, but still not a definitive one. Ivy will choose Star Wars even when her brother's not around to persuade her.

Well, still no answers. But the evidence will come. I don't doubt it.

And it does. Not in purple, but in blue.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

June Joys - The Minuteman Trail & Walden Pond

We've always loved the Minuteman. It's his image that represents the Utah National Guard, and its his stories that we came to appreciate more in Massachusetts. Colonial farmers had to be ready in "a minute" to protect and defend their towns, and they did it with great determination. While Darin was visiting, we took the kids on part of the Minuteman Trail (which is nearly 5 miles). Although I had hoped to travel on foot the whole five miles during our stay in Mass., the video below will show you why, ultimately, we didn't ever attempt the entire trail. The route follows the original one that the British Regulars marched from Boston Harbor to Concord, and then retreated with the victorious Minutemen behind them.

That's a turtle peeping out at us from the pond. And this truly was a pond. Most "ponds" in Massachusetts are more like our lakes. This turtle was another reason we moved slowly along the trail. We spent a lot of time watching, luring, and naming him. We never did decide on just one name. Concord, Lex, and Hunter (Ivy's idea) were the three winners.

Nope. The picture's not upside down. It's the reflection of the trees in the pond.

The landscape is so beautiful!!

Don't think this is Ivy and her dad. This is actually Paul Revere and his horse (he gallops too!) and there are British Regulars waiting behind trees with sticks - I mean muskets -

to make him "halt."

Ivy chose this hat at the museum gift shop and wore it for days!

It will get use on the 24th of July as well.

The Minuteman tour guide at one of the museums. Coop loved the musket!

After the Trail, we headed over to Walden Pond in Concord. It truly is as beautiful and serene as H.D. Thoreau wrote. I could go there again and again. Definitely one of my favorites!

We didn't plan on getting wet, so we didn't come prepared. However, the kids didn't mind getting wet. At first, they tried to keep their clothes dry but then decided that FUN was more important!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Primary Water Party

The church property is on a large hill (the very top of which is home to the temple) and so beside the church house is the perfect place for a slippery slide. Sister Denise K. manned the hose and the huge bottle of liquid soap to set the kids flying. The water party is an annual event on the last day of school.
Coop in his Spiderman towel. He must be a bit chilled, because he doesn't normally sit still.

Ivy was a little nervous at first, but big sister Maia took care of her.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Concord in a Canoe

Something I've wanted to do almost since we arrived in Massachusetts, is canoe the Concord River to the Old North Bridge. Of course it was out of the question in the winter, and we just weren't able to get to it this spring - until now. Nothing like waiting until the last minute. Richard's friend Darin was in town and made the trip with us. -- It was ABSOLUTELY beautiful! Perfect weather, no bugs, lots of geese and ducks and a few turtles, gorgeous scenery, a handful of lilly pads, stately homes with manicured yards, and only a couple of other boats on the water!

Preparing to board the two canoes. One canoe held Darin, me, Ivy and Tessa. For most of the trip, Richard, McKenna, Cooper and Maia were together in another. They were definitely the loudest! They were slow going at first because of an apparent lack of cooperation, however we could hear them even when we couldn't see them! (We did a trade of the teenager later and then the dad was able to calm down a bit.)

We passed under three of these beautiful stone bridges. So picturesque.
One of the homes on the bank of the River. There were a couple that were to die for (don't know why I didn't snap a picture - oh yea, because I had to paddle some time). I could have moved right into one - the yard was incredible, with lots of fun toys and a darling playhouse!

Most of the bank actually didn't have homes along it. So serene!

The non-cooperative group. Poor Maia was stuck in between the loud ones. She wanted so badly to get in our boat. We couldn't help but laugh at their lack of steering (McKenna and Richard differ in opinion on whose fault that was) but determined they got their money's worth as they mostly zig-zagged across the river as they moved down it, rather than traveling in a straight line.

Darin and Tessa keep us going, as I was mostly taking pictures.

Although Ivy was VERY nervous for the first half hour or so, she calmed down and enjoyed the ride. She even fed the geese! She was cute calling "here ducky, here goose" with her hand stretched out with bits of a granola bar on it.
Taking a break at the Old North Bridge - where the colonists fired the first shots at the British Regulars (killing some) and eventually chasing them back to the harbor.

Press play to see what a hard worker Ivy is. She paddled non-stop for a good 30 minutes. It was in our favor, however, that she is not terribly strong. She was rowing backward the entire time.

All together before heading to the car. Wait - we're not ALL together. The little one is missing. She decided at this moment to be in the "refusal" mode for picture taking. Up until that point she had cooperated with the camera. I can't win them all. As we stood here . . .

. . . Ivy walked away with her arms folded. . .

. . . determined NOT to be in the picture . . .

. . . no matter what. Oh well, maybe tomorrow.