Sunday, August 26, 2007

Rhonda's Sacrament Talk

Here's my contribution to our ward this week. We're in Belmont 2nd Ward - which is fantastic. Richard, McKenna, and I all spoke on some aspect of obedience, so you'd think we have the principle down. Not so, but good to be reminded.

The Blessing of Intelligence by Obedience

I was given a broad topic of obedience and as I searched, I found this scripture in Corinthians. I thought I could both begin and end my talk with it. “Let your
women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.” I could just sit down now, but luckily for Richard I found a topic that interests me so I’ll stand here and talk.

Many are the blessings of obedience, including safety, prosperity, health, protection, joy, and progress – but there is a distinct and, I believe, greater blessing that we don’t often recognize or discuss. It is the blessing of revelation, or knowledge and intelligence. This is the subject I’ll address today, using the words found in section 130 of the Doctrine and Covenants as the basis. Verses 20 & 21 we’ve heard often. “
There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated. And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated.” That’s simple enough. Because the kingdom of heaven is governed by law, when we receive any blessing, it is by obedience to the law upon which that blessing is based. But let’s consider the verse that introduces those two. Verse 19, “And if a person gains more knowledge and intelligence in this life through his diligence and obedience than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come.” Embedded in the truth that intelligence will go with us from this world to the next, is the truth that knowledge and intelligence are gained through obedience! The subsequent more familiar verses are simply the explanation that it’s a law – impossible to retract - that we must receive that intelligence when we are obedient.

Recall that when Adam, recently cast from Father’s presence, built an altar and undertook to worship there simply because he was told to. In Moses, chapter 5, we read that, although he knew not why he had been commanded, “Adam was obedient unto the commandments of the Lord.” Now consider what happened following “many days” of that obedience. An angel appeared and taught Adam the gospel. He told Adam of the Savior who was to come. The Holy Ghost fell upon Adam, and Adam prophesied then concerning the inhabitants of the earth down to the last generation. Because of simple obedience Adam received great knowledge and intelligence. Another illustration of this same truth is when Joseph Smith first saw and touched the gold plates under the rock on that hill, he was told the time was not yet that he should remove them. He was told by the heavenly messenger that he should return again. In Joseph Smith’s History we read “Accordingly, as I had been commanded, I went at the end of each year, and at each time I found the same messenger there, and received instruction and intelligence from him at each of our interviews, respecting what the Lord was going to do, and how and in what manner his kingdom was to be conducted in the last days.” Light and truth were the result of Joseph’s obedience.

Light and truth, or intelligence, will be the result of our obedience as well. We may doubt and declare that “surely Adam and Joseph and others like them were great men with important missions to fulfill, and they were so faithful that of course the Lord would reveal significant truths to them.” But, unmistakably, we are a great people too, and as individuals we have important missions to fulfill as well. The Lord wishes us all to receive light and truth – and we may through obedience. A statement from one of President Monson’s talks years ago has stayed with me. “If we are on the Lord’s errand, we are entitled to the Lord’s help.” I believe there is not one of us here who is not on the Lord’s errand, and so we are each entitled to his help, to revelation and truth pertaining to our errand. It may not be our mission to introduce humankind to the earth or to translate golden plates, but we do have a certain someone to raise, a certain person to influence, a certain technology to develop, a certain strain to discover, a certain hand to hold, a certain piece to write, a certain song to sing, a certain lesson to teach, or a certain group to lead.

But how exactly will the blessing of intelligence help us fulfill our errand, our mission, our role on this earth? By shifting our paradigm. We unwittingly have a set of beliefs that surround and define the reality of each situation in our life. We feel, respond, and act according to that reality. Those sets of beliefs are rarely accurate and so our response to circumstances may be anything less than ideal. The best way to solve that dilemma is not to force a behavior change, but to gain a true and correct understanding of the situation. (To gain intelligence!!) The correct behavior will automatically follow. Stephen Covey has explained in a couple of his books the principle this way. No matter how fast we drive, how positive our attitude, or how many routes we try, we will still be lost in Los Angeles when we’re using a map for New York. He gives a personal example of an encounter on a subway. (Man and children story) The truth of the situation didn’t change. The children’s behavior didn’t change. Brother Covey’s understanding of the situation became clear, and so his response to it changed accordingly. My dear friend shared with me an even a more applicable experience. Although she loves all four of her children deeply, she has had difficulty appreciating the personality traits of one of her daughters. My friend knew she should embrace her daughter’s attributes wholeheartedly, but it was a struggle. Then my friend sat in a room and listened to the Patriarch, a man ordained to speak for God, as he recited and named the precious and divine gifts this girl has been blessed with. He described her as God made her and knows her. My friend’s heart was softened. Her daughter is still the same girl, but my friend has a clearer understanding of who that is and the struggle of acceptance has diminished.

I’ve listed some ways that, in my life, intelligence - insight and understanding, and clarity and light and truth - would serve me well. I believe that these apply to everyone here in some way or another.

As a mother – I need enlightenment through which to recognize the divine composition and potential of the souls loaned to me, and in choosing the methods of guidance to help bring that to fruition. I need understanding of diverse personalities to help me foster patience.

As a wife – I need knowledge by which to be the best-possible partner, to fulfill his needs and support his ambitions. I need wisdom with which to build the foundation of a companionship that will last through the eternities.

As an individual – I need revelation by which I become spiritually and temporally enriched. I need awareness of others in order to build and keep strong relationships and in order to reach out and serve.

As a member of a community & society – I need truth to help me make wise choices as I navigate through the confusion of politics and government, the pressures of lifestyle and media, and the ideals of philosophies and movements. I need illumination by which to see and stay on the path of righteousness so I can be in the world, but not of the world.

As a member of the church – I need comprehension of gospel principles and clarity of the Church’s purpose. I need discernment with which to recognize missionary moments. I need appreciation for sacred things and for my part in building up the Kingdom.

As a daughter of God – I need Godly intelligence by which to prepare for eternal responsibilities. I need light by which to see and meet my divine potential.

Truly, there is no position or role in this life where enlightenment, clarity, and understanding of our situation will not serve us well – will not make us more capable, more successful, more productive, or more righteous in doing. When we’re relying on a mortal map, devoid of truth and light, we’re lost in darkness and our decisions in life become guesswork. When we have the blessing of godly intelligence, the confusion vanishes. The circumstances may not change – but our life lights up and we can move through it with assurance and accuracy.

So, we know that we have important missions that warrant the need of intelligence and we know how that intelligence can help us be successful. Remember, though, it’s through obedience that the blessing of intelligence comes.

In preparing for this talk, I came upon this definition of obedience – that it is the “rightful exercise of agency.” I think it is a wonderful description – it places the accountability on us where it belongs while recognizing the gift of agency from Father. Obedience is more than that, however. It is, at its very core, an expression of our love for Father and our Savior Jesus Christ. John records that Christ said “He that hath my commandments, and
keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.”

So what is it exactly we’re supposed to obey in order to receive the intelligence and knowledge we need and to show our love for Christ? Well, Abraham gives us a glimpse into the great Council in Heaven and the plans declared there by God. “
We will make an earth whereon these may dwell, and we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them.” We’re supposed to obey all of God’s commands and laws. That’s a long list – tithing, the Sabbath, the Word of Wisdom, honesty, charity, constant study and prayer, and on and on. But the point isn’t to make a list – the point is to be willing. Brigham Young said it this way, “The Lord has sent forth his laws, commandments, and ordinances to the children of men, and requires them to be strictly obeyed, and we do not wish to transgress those laws, but to keep them. We do not wish to change his ordinances, but to observe them; we do not wish to break the everlasting covenant, but to keep that with our fathers, with Jesus, with our Father in Heaven, with holy angels, and to live according to them.”

What we’re asked to do today is hard, but the way is prepared. We have the choice of being Laman and Lemuel, simply whining that “it’s a hard thing,” or being Nephi and going and doing the hard thing. What we’re asked to do today is hard, but not as hard as determining to sacrifice your only son, not as hard as leaving family and home and traveling the plains in deadly conditions. What we’re asked to do today is hard, but not as hard as preaching to those who hold torches and deadly stones. What we’re asked to do today is hard, but not as hard as suffering the pain and agony of every being, not as hard as trudging the hill carrying a cross on bleeding back, not as hard as enduring scorns and thorns, chants and spears, and piercing nails. It should be considered easy for us to say “Not as I will, but as thou wilt.”

I have a testimony of the principle of obedience and am grateful that a blessing of it can be intelligence. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

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