Sunday, May 4, 2008

Liberty & Ellis Islands

Last year Cooper received an interactive globe for Christmas. He has been enthralled by it, and quickly learned some world-wide landmarks like the Taj Mahal (sp?) and the Statue of Liberty! Since then he has been particularly interested in Lady Liberty. Obviously, we put that on our list of "must see while in NYC." Unfortunately, however, one must take a ferry to see the Statue - and Cooper is VERY nervous about boats and ferries. He has seen news reports and movies with sinking boats. So, he was anxious the entire ride, and even was willing to give up seeing the Statue - but we coaxed him and he did great! (Two days ago we went on another ferry to an island in Boston Harbor. Same story)
Waiting to boardthe ferry. It's interesting that Cooper is nervous ON the boat, but not AROUND the water. This mom, however, was a nervous wreck on the pier because Coop was leaning through the fences to drop rocks and sticks into the water.

Patiently waiting - for the moment anyway.

The ride over.

Ellis Island - A beautiful building, and so interesting!!

Inside the Ellis Building. Could spend hours there exploring and learning.

Lady Liberty. Of course we had only a dumb camera with us, and then that lost power on Libery Island. So, Richard was laying on the ground (to get the rest of us AND the statue in the picture) holding the cell phone to snap a picture. He still hasn't downloaded the pix, and I don't know how.

McKenna had lots of fun with Heather along on the trip with us.
Did I mention that Heather is one of NINE children, so she is VERY patient with all of our little ones. It was a blessing.

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