Saturday, September 8, 2007

Random Fun

On the subway. They think it's so cool to be underground! Ivy usually wants to sit "by myself!" but she'll sit with daddy as long as she gets to hold onto a pole. (Mom carries Germ-X in the backpack!)
Taking a trip on the bus. Mom gets nervous every time because there are no seatbelts or carseats!!!

Proud, but humble, in his fame.

This is the second time Cooper has been chosen from the crowd to participate in a street show in downtown Boston. Each time, the performers gave him $1 or $2. Last time we went downtown, he said "oh good, maybe I'll get some money!" He figures it will happen every time.
The guy did a flip over the group. Wish I had waited a fraction of a section to snap the camera.

Beach day with dad! Mom was home with the flu and so dad took the kids. The beaches are beautiful here - more tame than San Diego so the kids can actually play in the water. We're only about 7 miles from the waterfront, although we have to go north or south to the beaches.

Our last trip to the beach we saw a star fish and caught a crab - and found lots of tiny sand dollars!

Batman at his best! We may not have a yard to play in, but we have a closet rod! Yesterday Cooper played on the porch (about 3 1/2' x 7') for an hour while Ivy and I napped on the couch. When I asked him what he did out there he said, "Oh, I stuck my stick in the dirt (of the flowers) and scraped my stick on the cement." Poor kid!

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