Monday, January 7, 2008

The Von Millers

Both McKenna and Tessa had school "Winter Concerts." We were disappointed that there was not a SINGLE Christmas song - and just one or two mildly "holiday" songs that were sung. But the girls did well anyway.
McKenna's chorus performing at the high school. She's in the very back row, to the left of the slit in the backdrop. Of course we ran to the store at the last minute to buy the black pants she had to have.
Tessa after her school performance. The two girls with her are her two best school friends - and they didn't even plan on coordinating! Emma is on the left and Madison on the right. Emma's Christmas gift was tickets to the Hannah Montana concert and she took Tessa and Madison with her. They had so much fun! Of course Ivy had to get in on the action.

1 comment:

Madison said...

hey i am in this picture!!i love it!!