Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Cape Cod - in April

Cape Cod is GORGEOUS - just like the postcards. We spent a day there and enjoyed every minute of it. You cannot believe the shells (and crab legs and animal skeletons) on the shore! They are huge like I've never found on the West Coast. We collected a bunch and I'm still working on Cloroxing out the smell so I can add them to my jar of coral I found in Florida.

No words necessary.

Beautiful girl.

Just having fun. Notice that is MARTHA - not Rhonda - who is picking up the slimy thing or crab body or whatever. I've got to work on being a better mom, but for now I'm just glad Martha was along.

Boy + Sand = DIG

Boy + Water + Any Object = THROW

Days like this we're especially glad we made the choice to move the family across the country. It's been an experience of a life-time.

With Marth. We try to fool ourselves that we look the same as we did Freshman & Sophomore year, and we do a pretty good job until we remember we have children who are just a year younger than we were when we met each other!

Little explorer.

Tuckered out.

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