Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Green Team

Spencer's parents are the soccer coaches and were looking for another kid who could actually kick the ball and recruited Coop for the spring season. It's hysterical to watch because not only does Cooper fall a lot (his cleats are a full size too big - Spencer's old ones), he is an agressive player (surprised?). So, parents on the sidelines are CONSTANTLY asking us if he's okay, if he needs to be taken off the field, and how'd he learn to play. We just explain he was born liking to play with balls and doesn't really notice injuries unless there's a lot of blood. To the contrary, there's a boy on his team who had to come off the field THREE times in one game because he had DIRT on his knees!!! I'm not exaggerating!!!! His parents BOTH came to him and coddled him telling him it was his decision if he still wanted to play and continue to get dirty or to go home!! I am FLABBERGASTED at how many adults on the team baby their children. -- And then there's us shouting "hop up bud!" or chuckling as he slides and rolls.

We went to dinner with Spencer's parents the other night - and Denise was so funny. She's in the Primary presidency and remarked that they'll miss us in more ways than one. Now that Cooper will be gone, all the attention will be back on Spencer and his misbehavior. She has appreciated how Cooper's wigglyness has taken the focus off of her son. The two boys are in the same class and have a saint of a teacher - Janae Romney. She LOVES the boys and they return the favor.

I substituted in the class a few weeks ago. I finally sent Spencer out into the hall because he wouldn't quit talking. A few minutes later I hauled Cooper to priesthood to enjoy some daddy time. When I came back it was just me and three girls. We were having a fun lesson, and I kept saying "Spencer, are you ready to come back in yet?" He nonchalantly said "no, not yet. I'm not done." He was making paper airplanes in the hall. Soon after, Cooper was brought back to class with his daddy escort and behaved like an angel from there on out. The boys are two peas in a pod.

Spencer and Cooper hatching some subversive plan

I tried to put in a clip of Cooper's soccer practice here, but after 12 + hours it finally unlocked the processing (unsuccessfully) and let me save the page. I'm just publishing it as it. Anyway, all you have to do is imagine him running fast and playing hard with a smile on his face. He loves soccer.

Ivy likes to go to Cooper's soccer practice, because there's a very fun playset at the field. In this video, they're just leaving practice. I don't know if Ivy was upset with Richard or not, but she doesn't seem to want to talk to him here. Surprise surprise. Anyway, when she "calls" the other kids to come to the car, she is whistling like her dad does!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Coop sounds like a natural. Carter will love playing with him in our backyards this summer.